How Acupuncture Can Alleviate Chronic Pain
Dealing with chronic pain is debilitating, touching every aspect of your life, from work productivity to how happy you feel on a day-to-day basis. Fortunately, just because you have been suffering from this does not mean you are doomed to…
Discover the Fiery Home Remedy for Sinus Infections: The Jalapeño Pepper
Interested in home remedies for sinus ailments? In both literal and metaphorical senses, sinus infections can be excruciating. If you struggle with these, you have probably tried a wide range of therapies. However, have you ever thought about taking a relieved look in your spice cabinet?
Acupuncture and Depression?
Can You Use Acupuncture for Depression? Millions worldwide struggle with depression, a complicated and frequently crippling mental health illness. While there are numerous efficient therapies for depression, they often do not target the underlying medical factors contributing to it. Here…
Acupuncture for Fertility: Research and Benefits
Acupuncture is a Powerful Tool for Fertility Have you been thinking about acupuncture for fertility? For centuries, people have turned to acupuncture as a safe and reliable method to boost fertility and ensure a successful pregnancy. The combination of…
Side Sleeper With Neck Pain?
Quick Tip for Side Sleepers with Neck, Shoulder, or Back Pain If you are a side sleeper with neck, shoulder, or upper back pain, I want you to watch this video. It’s short, I promise. Inside, I will go over…
Shooting Pain at the Base of Your Skull? Try Acupuncture for Occipital Neuralgia
Acupuncture for Occipital Neuralgia? Occipital neuralgia can feel like lightning around the base of your skull or the back of your head. It can come on quite suddenly and happen multiple times during the day. For many patients, it is…
Acupuncture (And Chinese Herbs) for Low AMH?
Low AMH and Acupuncture and Your Fertility Let’s talk about that in a second. First off, I need to give you some information on Low AMH. If you have been trying to get pregnant, you have probably heard of AMH…
Jaw Hurting? Try Acupuncture for Jaw Pain
Jaw Hurting? Acupuncture for Jaw Pain? Does your jaw hurt a lot? Is it hard to open or close your jaw? Do you get headaches or have some kind of facial or dental pain? Have clicking or popping? There are…
Acupuncture For Frozen Shoulder
Acupuncture For Frozen Shoulder Have you ever rolled out of bed in the morning only to realize that your shoulder muscles are not working properly? Now, imagine this has been going on for months or years. Then, add in a…
Feelings Kinda Numb? Try Acupuncture for Neuropathy
Can Acupuncture Help with Neuropathy? Neuropathy can range from annoying to outright debilitating. If you’ve been suffering from neuropathy and you’ve seen a doctor about it, you’ve likely been through a lot already! If you don’t like the medications or…
Acupuncture for Chronic Bowel Irritation, IBS, Bloating, Etc.!
Is Acupuncture Good for IBS, Bloating, and Other Digestive Complaints? Going through life with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be incredibly disruptive. Productivity at work is affected, and it can influence travel decisions and strain relationships. These difficulties are often…
Can Acupuncture Relieve Headaches + Migraines?
Using Acupuncture to Relieve Headaches + Migraines? Today, we will talk about using acupuncture for headaches or migraines. But first… What does it feel like to have a headache or a migraine? If you have them, you know. It…
Back Pain Solutions: Get Relief Without Pain Medications
Have You Considered Acupuncture for Your Back Pain? No one considers the full depth of how pain can change your life until something happens. For many of us, we believe we are healthy and doing great until one day some…
Unexpected Causes and Solutions for Chronic Sinus Congestion
Can Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Help with Chronic Sinus Congestion? Have you ever experienced sinus congestion that lasted longer than a week? When sinus pain and congestion linger, it can be tricky to find over-the-counter medications that offer long-term solutions….
Fibromyalgia and Acupuncture? Long Lasting Solutions For Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and Acupuncture? An estimated 10 million Americans have fibromyalgia, and this number is on the rise. Fibromyalgia is more common in women and symptoms include muscle and joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues like IBS, depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Patients…
Acupuncture for Insomnia? Tips for Improving Sleep
Is Acupuncture Good for Insomnia? Have you ever experienced the frustration of laying in bed trying to sleep, but you can’t calm your mind? Well, you are not alone. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30-40% of American adults report…