Acupuncture for low AMH? This image shows hash marks inside a broken eggshell, with tiny chicken foot prints walking away from the eggshell. This here is meant to demonstrate all the long days spent waiting while trying to get pregnant.
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Acupuncture (And Chinese Herbs) for Low AMH?

Low AMH and Acupuncture and Your Fertility Let’s talk about that in a second. First off, I need to give you some information on Low AMH. If you have been trying to get pregnant, you have probably heard of AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone. AMH can partially measure ovarian reserve. If your AHM is normal, that can…

Botanical Biohacking logo
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Maegan N. Hodge Speaks On Lyme Disease

Maegan N. Hodge Speaks On Lyme Disease Last summer, our Principal Acupuncturist, Maegan N. Hodge, took some time to sit down with her colleague Andrew Miles, DOM of the Botanical Biohacking podcast to discuss the modern treatment of Lyme disease and how traditional practices of “witchcraft” in ancient southern China unwittingly contributed to advances in…

venae cava, body's main vein, which carries blood from the body to the heart, light micrograph. Acupuncture works to help restore proper blood flow.
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The Root Of It All

Fluid Circulation and the Gut: The Two Most Important Systems for Health One of my teachers says something that is very obviously true but also quite helpful to think about: “The basic requirement of health is to have highly oxygenated, highly nutritious blood flowing to all of the tissues in the body.” This means you…

Considers acupuncture for headaches.
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Acupuncture For Headaches

Acupuncture For Headaches, Explained Oh, Richmond, you all seem to have a lot of aching heads! Clearly, you are not alone, as headaches are one of the top ten most disabling conditions. Good news!  We are going to talk you through the discomfort, and teach you about when acupuncture for headaches is most appropriate. Specifically,…

Pink Tampon, Hormones & Acupuncture
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Painful Periods? PCOS? Endometriosis? No Periods? Hot Flashes? Acupuncture CAN Help.

Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine for Hormonal Balance Acupuncture for Hormones? Plus other Tips and Tricks. In today’s world, we are seeing a steady rise in female patients struggling with hormonal imbalance and dysfunction. These issues are common, but not NORMAL. Meaning, you don’t have to live like this!! These are some of the most common…

An antique chest used to store chinese medicinal herbs
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Chinese Medicine: A Basic Primer

What is Chinese Medicine? Chinese medicine, which includes the acupuncture modality, is a nature-based healing modality that has thousands of years of rich history. It is still being used today in clinics and hospitals throughout China and most of Asia as a primary medical modality, and its popularity has been increasing in Europe and the…

Chinese herbs in Richmond VA
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Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

What is Chinese Medicine?  What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are poorly understood terms.  In the Western world, we have developed an unfortunate nomenclature for practitioners of Oriental medicine. We call nearly all practitioners of this fully developed medical system “acupuncturists”, despite the fact that acupuncture is only one of the many tools available…

Chinese Herbs & Acupuncture Richmond Va
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Acupuncture for Allergies (Herbs, Too!)

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Allergies It’s that time of year again! The trees are starting to bud out, and bulbs are coming out of the ground (never mind the periodic snows we were still getting in Richmond in mid-March this year). Folks are already pouring into the office with the beginnings of their seasonal…