Acupuncture for Anxiety
Can Acupuncture Work for Anxiety? Anxiety can be a truly overwhelming experience, but it feels different for everyone. It can feel like a racing heart or a churning pit in your stomach. It can make you feel nauseous or mess…
Treating Fertility with Acupuncture: Richmond, Virginia
Is Using Acupuncture for Fertility Right for You? The experience of coming face to face with your fertility can be a stressful and overwhelming one. And it can be taboo even to discuss it, making the experience much more intense….
Acupuncture and Stroke Recovery: Decrease Spending on Long-term Care
Acupuncture and Stroke Recovery: Decrease Spending on Long-term Care If you or someone you know has ever experienced the effects of a stroke, you probably understand how devastating this event can be. Stroke obstructs blood and oxygen supply to the…
Maegan N. Hodge Speaks On Lyme Disease
Maegan N. Hodge Speaks On Lyme Disease Last summer, our Principal Acupuncturist, Maegan N. Hodge, took some time to sit down with her colleague Andrew Miles, DOM of the Botanical Biohacking podcast to discuss the modern treatment of Lyme disease…
My Experience: Using Acupuncture For Anxiety
A Happy Tale About Acupuncture for Anxiety: Imagine trying to concentrate on something important while in the middle of a raging hurricane. The volume of background noise is amplified to a deafening high level, so you can’t even hear when…
The Root Of It All
Fluid Circulation and the Gut: The Two Most Important Systems for Health One of my teachers says something that is very obviously true but also quite helpful to think about: “The basic requirement of health is to have highly oxygenated,…
Acupuncture For Headaches
Acupuncture For Headaches, Explained Oh, Richmond, you all seem to have a lot of aching heads! Clearly, you are not alone, as headaches are one of the top ten most disabling conditions. Good news! We are going to talk you…
Painful Periods? PCOS? Endometriosis? No Periods? Hot Flashes? Acupuncture CAN Help.
Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine for Hormonal Balance Acupuncture for Hormones? Plus other Tips and Tricks. In today’s world, we are seeing a steady rise in female patients struggling with hormonal imbalance and dysfunction. These issues are common, but not NORMAL….
Chinese Medicine: A Basic Primer
What is Chinese Medicine? Chinese medicine, which includes the acupuncture modality, is a nature-based healing modality that has thousands of years of rich history. It is still being used today in clinics and hospitals throughout China and most of Asia…
Six Things I Tell Everyone
My job is mostly detective work. I dedicate a lot of time and energy towards helping people figure out why they have the problem(s) they have. We also focus on solutions. Most people get caught up in the basics –…
Acupuncture For Chronic Injuries
Can Acupuncture Treat Chronic Injuries? Many patients ask, “How does acupuncture work?” It’s a tricky question to answer because terms like “qi” and “yang” aren’t what most people are looking for right out of the gate. They want to hear…
Acupuncture For Stress
Acupuncture For Stress If you’ve gone through a particularly stressful period in your life and feel drained or chronically prone to “getting stressed out”, you should consider Chinese medicine, or acupuncture, as one of the best ways to recuperate your…
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
What is Chinese Medicine? What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are poorly understood terms. In the Western world, we have developed an unfortunate nomenclature for practitioners of Oriental medicine. We call nearly all practitioners of this fully developed medical…
Why Acupuncture Is Fun & Not So Scary!
Why Acupuncture Is Fun & Not So Scary! After living in Portland, Oregon for five years where an acupuncture or naturopathic clinic is practically on every corner, and people seem almost bored if you tell them you’re an acupuncturist (only…
How to Pick An Acupuncturist
How to Pick An Acupuncturist Through conversations I’ve had with some folks lately, I’ve come to a fresh state of awareness regarding how overwhelming it can be when it comes to picking the right healthcare practitioner. It’s hard enough to…
Acupuncture for Scar Tissue
Acupuncture for Scar Tissue Opinions on scars tend to vary pretty widely. Some people hide them, some wear them proudly, and some even seek them out. A random smattering of famous quotations about scars gives us some scope regarding just…